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A Lovely Word featuring Beth Calverley

Admission Free
Start Time 20:00
End Time 22:00

A Lovely Word is Liverpool’s most eclectic poetry night, featuring two halves of open mic poets, and a headliner beginning the first half. Hosted by Alex Ferguson, this free event is a fun, relaxed and friendly evening of performance poetry.

Beth Calverley is a poet, performer and founder of The Poetry Machine.

Beth is Poet in Residence at University Hospitals Bristol & Weston NHS FT and was published in These Are The Hands, the NHS anthology. She was Lyra: Bristol Poetry Festival’s Resident Poet 2021, a Bristol Life Awards Arts Finalist 2020, and a Roundhouse Slam Finalist 2018. She has worked with the BBC, ITV, Sky, and many more.

Beth travels across the country to places of work, care, learning and play – from high streets to hospitals to theatres to festivals – performing, facilitating and co-creating poetry.

Her debut collection, Brave Faces & Other Smiles, launched in 2020 with Verve Poetry Press, exploring some of the countless and complex reasons we smile. Benjamin Zephaniah called it “a great collection with a honest, real theme.”


Whether you are a new poet performing for the first time or a seasoned poet who wants to try out some new stuff – sign up to perform by EITHER;

I) turning up at 7.30 in the bistro

II) emailing with a confirmation of your full name, mobile number

When signing up to perform, you are signing up to these principles of the open mic.

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