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3 Feb 2025 - 10 Mar 2025

Drawing Essentials

Venue Jacaranda Record Store
Admission Tickets Required
Start Time 18:00
End Time 20:00

An evening course for beginners to explore drawing techniques and skills from tone and shade to 3D objects and faces across 6 weeks.


Week 1: Still life objects – practice of drawing strokes and sketching a basic still-life set up. We will explore the skills of capturing object’s shape, light, textures and stroke works.

Week 2: Space and perspective – Drawing indoor space or a landscape reference photo. Introducing perspective and how to create spacing in the composition.

Week 3: Focus on tools – Use fine liner pens to draw and add colour. We will go over skills of creating outlines. We will cover how to add colour, texture and depth.

Week 4: Lines and Composition – Quick sketching of still lifes set up and items around the venue. There will be a range of excercise such as quick sketching and then play around with constructing a composition.

Week 5: Drawing animals and plants – With the skills developed in the previous weeks we will turn our focus to creating a subject based drawing. Examine the basic structure of plants, animals and humans from reference photos. Your tutor will give you some excercise to analyse and capture complex structure. Understanding the features of animals and human in an approachable way.

Week 6: Final drawing – With what you have learnt you will then choose to focus on completing a final drawing from life or reference photo.

Monday evenings 6pm – 8pm
3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th February, 3rd, 10th March


Materials you must bring:

  • Sketchbook/sketching papers at least A5 size and 120gsm weight
  • Pencils at least HB, 2B, 5B one for each
  • Rubber and Kneadable Erarser
  • Fine Liner Pens (Black colour and thickness between 0.2 to 0.5 are recommended)
  • Simple Colouring tools, watercolour set or colour pencils set, 10 colours at least.



This course is for ages 16+

There are a maximum of 12 places available on each session, so early booking is essential. To avoid a booking fee and pay by card, cheque or cash, please contact dot-art Services directly on 0345 017 6660.


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