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Everton Park Heritage Walking Tour

Admission Free
Start Time 11:00
End Time 17:00

ArtsGroupie CIC, one of Liverpool’s leading arts organisations has been commissioned by Friends of Everton Park to mark the 815th birthday of Liverpool (officially 28th August).

ArtsGroupie will be running free heritage walking tours with a twist at 11am, and 3.30pm on Saturday 27th August.

Join historical guests, Prince Rupert, The Toffee Lady, and Kitty Wilkinson as they are led around the Park by a Victorian Docker.

Friends of Everton Park are excited to be collaborating with ArtsGroupie to bring our heritage tour to life. Everton Park not only offers the most beautiful panoramic views of our city it’s also trenched in history with the park playing a key site with the historic battles of King Rupert.

‘We are excited to welcome families and community members from across the city to relive the story through captivating street theatre’.

Friends of Everton Park trustee, Danielle Azanuwha

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