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Floor Plan: By Ellie Towers and Reece Griffiths – Opening Night

Admission Free/donation based
Start Time 18:30
End Time 00:00

Floor Plan in a brand new site specific installation created by Ellie Towers and Reece Griffiths for Convenience Gallery.

Floor Plan is an attempt to actualise a tangible visual representative of the way childhood memories and activities manifest themselves in the retrospective position of the present.

Rooted in the idea of ‘weekends’ spent as a child, it has grown into something which attempts to reclaim lost places and pivotal events by pushing them into a shape that subverts the absurd, the concrete material and the half-remembered into implicative-fiction and positive productivity.

It is the environmental stand-in of the challenging and questioning of how we choose to perceive and recontextualise the things done to and through us, and what we have brought forward into our contemporary experience.

All donation based tickets funds are reinvested back into their current and future creative programming. This will support them in creating more opportunities for both people in the creative industry and the wider community. All their “In Cahoots” core programming is free to attend and donations are optional.

Floor Plan: By Ellie Towers & Reece Griffiths @ Convenience Gallery

Opening Night and PV @ Bloom Building (CH41 5FQ)

A part of the “In Cahoots” 21/22 programme

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