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Portrait Painting

Venue Bold Place
Admission £170
Start Time 17:00
End Time 21:00

Starting from the basics, your tutor will provide exercises and tuition to help you improve your painting and portraiture skills or help you get to grips with the basics in this area. This course is suitable for beginners, or for more experienced artists looking to polish up their skills.

The course will cover topics such as:

  • Grisaille greyscale painting
  • Understanding light and shade
  • Working with the Zorn palette
  • Using a full colour palette
  • Structure and anatomy

Tutor: Kathy Dereli

Kathy is trained in traditional techniques in drawing and sculpture which she uses to create well-crafted artworks with a modern sensibility. She has lead classes and demonstrations in both disciplines for several years.


19th, 26th October

2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th November

7th, 14th, 21st December


BOLD Place

8 Bold Place


L1 9DN




The essential materials to bring include:

pencils and paper for exercises

oil paint paper or canvas, palette, brushes, paints, cleaning rags or kitchen tissue, odourless mineral spirit or turps

(suggested range in order of importance: titanium white, ivory black, cadmium red light or vermillion hue, yellow ochre, burnt umber, ultramarine, alizarin crimson, cerulean, cadmium yellow or lemon yellow)

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