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Story Makers: Beginners Creative Writing Workshop (Memories of Food)

Venue Prescot Town Council
Admission Free
Start Time 10:30
End Time 11:30
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Knowsley’s theme for its year as Borough of Culture is Storytelling, so here is an opportunity for you to uncover and tell your own story.

Story Makers is a series of four beginner creative writing workshops led by the Scribblers, a creative writing group from Kirkby Gallery. The workshops will be inspired by your own lived experience and cultural heritage.

In this first Story Makers session led by Scribbler Margaret, you will be getting your creative writing muscles warmed up through talking and writing about your memories of food. We will explore taste and smell, taking you back to memories from childhood, from wafts of freshly baked bread from the bakers to Christmas Day lunches, sea-side holiday foods and favourite sweet treats.

Scribbler Margaret: A little about me!

I write some terrible, terrible stories. My mind wanders. Writing gives me an excuse to do things, go places and explore, sometimes I even leave the house! Five years ago, I found myself alone, needing new company and friends. I wanted to rewrite my life as ‘Margaret the Person’ not the widow, not just Mum or Nana, not just ‘our Margie’. Joining the ‘Scribblers’ helped me achieve some of these aims and made me realise, that when writing, like driving a car ‘you don’t have to see your destination, just two or three feet ahead of you’.

Story Makers continued…

Session 2: Memories of school life with Rita on 8 February

Session 3: Memories of the high-street with Lorraine on 22 February

Session 4: Memories of community, culture and celebration with Erin on 8 March

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