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The Liver Bird

Admission Various prices
Start Time 14:00
End Time 15:00

What if the Liver Bird really did exist?

Shakespeare North Playhouse’s Sir Ken Dodd Performance Garden will come alive with The Liver Birds, an enchanting outdoor family show.

Charlie J has heard all about Liverpool’s famous Liver Birds from his Grandma Bailey’s stories. He is fascinated by them. And just when things start to get difficult at school, and just when he needs it most, Charlie J is visited by a very special creature…

Dive into this glorious, modern-day fairy tale, shared with the magic of puppets and storytelling. And keep your eyes to the skies!

The play opened in 2021 at Incredible Edible, Court Hey Park in the Summer and was the first theatrical play to visit Walton Hall Park in over forty years. The piece was performed throughout the Liverpool City Region, including Norris Green Park, Springfield Park and Devonfield Gardens.

The Bird even flew indoors to land on stage at Liverpool Central Library as part of the Liverpool Year of Writing, Writers Bootcamp and Marketplace in September 2021 that saw 922 creatives and the public come together for a celebration of workshops and literary activities.

They are delighted that this production will be the first to play in the Sir Ken Dodd Performance Gardens at Shakespeare North Playhouse.

Tale created by John Maguire
Adapted for stage by Jessica May Buxton, The Bookworm Players.
Directed by Margaret Connell

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