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Tony Phillips, Above Us Only Sky

Venue Bluecoat
Admission Free
Start Time 11:00
End Time 17:00

Our long association with Liverpool-born artist Tony Phillips continues with Above Us Only Sky, an art trail that began in 2021 and is being relaunched with a slightly different route, starting and ending at the Bluecoat.

Four in a series of painted plaques are sited on the the arts centre’s new wing in Blundell Lane. Each features an aircraft in chronological sequence, from 1903, the first controlled powered flight, to today’s drones.

Weaving through the Ropewalks district via the ‘Bombed Out Church’, the icon-like images trace the story of man-made flight, both its positive and the negative aspects. A guide is available, with information about the featured aircraft and the trail’s sites.

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