This is the perfect opportunity to catch snippets of brand new work in development by fantastic local artists.
The Lineup
Hosted by RAWD
Taxi Tales | one night on the town
The taxi driver, a witness to countless dramas, has seen it all unfold on the backseat of their cab. Therapist, confidant – passengers bare their souls under the flickering city lights.
The subsequent journey throws up recurring themes resulting in a rich human comedy – a mosaic of life’s absurdities, built piece by piece across one night. We are testing the work in advance of its debut in April at LiF 2025.
Wing It Impro and Stories on behalf of Liverpool Improvisation Festival.
Bember | Winnie Southgate
Bember is a dark-comedy set in the therapy room. Winnie is a writer/actor/director who likes to focus on stories that use surreal elements or magical-realism to address important topics.
Ushiku Crisafulli | Unmasked
Ushiku’s most ambitious project so far, Unmasked uses film, live performance, music, and visual art to challenge the language around autistic authenticity and autistic enjoyment whilst championing accessible practice. Ushiku is a chef, published writer, multi-disciplinary artist and founder of the OpenMind Collective.
Legions of Doom
Join Liverpool’s most unhinged/ only sketch comedy posse… as they’re dragged from their beds blinking into 2025 and thrown into a stark black box by The Unity Theatre’s secret police… Eli Randle’s reign of terror continues with some brand spanking new material and reworked classics from The LoD!
Do you want to get involved or perform?
These nights are open for artists to come and test out new material on a live audience. See what works and what doesn’t as we develop together.
If you are interested in performing, it can be any genre, any stage of development or length. Please register your interest via the link provided here.