During this uncertain time the Jennifer Lauren Gallery is seeking submissions from national and international artists that self-define as disabled and/or Deaf.
The Gallery will be hosting an online exhibition on its website, with a downloadable zine of the works too. The exhibition will support and showcase the work of 25 artists selected through a call-out with the help of artist and adult survivor with mental health issues Terence Wilde, whom Jennifer already supports and Lisa Slominski of Slominski Projects. The Gallery hopes that this exhibition will expose these artist’s works to wider audiences, to bring a sense of achievement during this difficult and isolating time and who knows, may result in new opportunities for the artists, and studios that support them.
More information on the call-out and a BSL version can be found here: https://bit.ly/3esg4Gg
This callout has been made possible with funding from Manchester International Festival.