Manchester City of Literature wishes to appoint a consultant to gather evidence and assess the impact on participants’ wellbeing of writing programmes in Manchester and the city region during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown.
Manchester City of Literature works with and through many partners across the literature sector in Manchester and the city region. Manchester City of Literature is particularly keen to draw on the experience of partner agencies which have led literature projects, in evaluating the impact on participants.
Some of the projects they wish to include were devised and implemented quickly so may not have evaluation/self-evaluation built in. Manchester City of Literature is also keen to draw on and engage with the expertise and expertise of others working in health and wellbeing in the cultural sector and more widely in the city region.
This work will comprise:
- a literature review of recent and relevant studies into writing for health and well-being;
- desk research to review evaluation by partners delivering writing activity;
- in depth interviews with project leads to gather their insights; draw out learning; identify gaps in provision/ duplication; and understand their priorities and/ or recommendations going forward;
- draft themes and methodologies for evaluation and recommendations for Manchester City of Literature;
- share draft framework with key stakeholders and refine
- regular updates to Manchester City of Literature team
- a final report
Invitation to submit expression of interest: by 25 September
Appointment confirmed: by 2 October
Commissioning meeting: by Monday 12 October
Final Draft Report submitted: by Monday 30 November.
£2,500 including all expenses but excluding VAT, based on 6-10 days work
See their website here.
Registering your interest:
Please submit an expression of interest by Friday 25 September to Ivan Wadeson by email EOI to be not more than 3 pages, including:
- relevant experience;
- your intended approach this work;
- an indicative breakdown of tasks and schedule.