Wired Aerial Theatre are seeking to appoint a Communications professional, who is a creative thinker, capable of engaging and developing audiences in new and innovative ways.
They are seeking to work with someone who is equally energised by how Creative Companies can position themselves within this post pandemic world, working with the team at Wired to provide the wherewithal to communicate and engage with potential audiences and participants. As a company with both national and international profiles, they are now looking to build upon and further expand global reach.
The directors have taken the time over the last 12 months to completely re vamp the board, bringing in business expertise and expanding the Creative Learning offer, with plans in place to re-establish a new home, expand the training offer and begin the promotion of our new VR offer. The appointee will play a vital role across all aspects of the companies offer, ensuring their voice is coherent, informative, clear and inclusive across our website, social media and more traditional portals.
They understand and embrace ways of working that are sympathetic to the needs of individuals and are happy to discuss a rhythm that is most productive for all.
Please follow this link for more information and ‘how to apply’: https://www.wiredaerialtheatre.com/news