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Session 1: Introduction to the History of Art with Dr Anna Maddison

Venue The Atkinson
Admission £35 for 3 sessions
Start Time 13:00
End Time 15:00

Join Dr Anna Maddison for an introduction to the history of Art using examples from The Atkinson’s collection.

The Atkinson’s collection has works of art dating from the 17th to the 21st centuries and is currently concentrating on collecting more contemporary art.

Highlights of the 20th century collection include several paintings by Walter Sickert and fellow members of the Camden Town School such as Charles Ginner as well as paintings by Scottish Colourists, namely Arthur Melville, JD Fergusson and Samuel Peploe.

Key works from World War I include a painting of a mounted trooper by Alfred Munnings and a battle scarred landscape by Paul Nash. The collection of 20th century British sculpture is small but very high quality and includes good examples by Henry Moore, Elisabeth Frink and Jacob Epstein.

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