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18 Mar 2025

Creative Health Exchange for Collaborative Action Through Storytelling

Admission Free, reserve a spot
Start Time 10:00
End Time 03:00

Calling creatives, commissioners, health providers, community/voluntary sector organisations and individuals with lived experience connected to arts and health.

Health inequities are on our doorstep – avoidable and unfair differences in health across the Liverpool City Region which, if left unaddressed, will only get worse, resulting in poorer health outcomes for the most vulnerable people in our region. Whilst these issues are complex, we believe that a community-led, creative health approach – coupled with advocacy – provides a way to do things differently and drive real change.

This event is designed to bring together people from the creative, voluntary, and health sectors to:

Showcase innovative work addressing health inequity that has created change
Strengthen networks
Explore new collaborations and innovative ideas for joint action to promote and improve health equity.
This is a celebration event with conversations, music, performance, and taster workshops for creative, health, and voluntary sector professionals and volunteers.

What you will gain by attending:

Information about what is happening in the region
Opportunity to attend taster workshops/creative sessions
Networking across the creative, health and voluntary sectors
Free lunch (there is such a thing!)
The event is free, but spaces are limited, and registration is required.

Showcase your work

They want to highlight the great work that has or is being done in the Liverpool City Region. You can present your work on a stand or put forward a piece of work (film/music/performance) to be showcased as part of the staged event.

Please note that places are limited and so you are not guaranteed a showcasing opportunity. To be considered for showcasing please add details of what it is you would like to showcase using the registration form.

Let’s come together to reimagine how creativity can transform health and wellbeing.

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