The Big Condo Academy is a community media campus and skills centre based in Liverpool.
They focus on music, media, and the beauty, fashion industry; we are a non-profit community interest company (CIC). The Big Condo Academy’s focus is on providing real-life training and employability skills to people wishing to enter the current industry.
They develop skills and confidence in their learners through team building and group projects. They offer accredited courses in media, music production, and employ-ability as they are supported by the NCFE.
They also offer online and evening classes which include online podcasting, streaming, music recording, production, video, creative writing, fashion, photography, modelling and artistic projects that benefit individuals as well as the community.
The Big Condo Academy also offers traineeships and internships as well as volunteer roles at the campus. They host music and fashion events, community fundraisers and they have an official partnership with the City of Liverpool College. They have delivered media workshops and lectures, with other universities such as LMA and John Moores University.
They work with young disadvantaged youths and the more mature learners dealing with loneliness and inclusion, We have worked with VEOLA and ESF, ALS courses and projects and they are currently sponsored by the Merseyside Foundation, The National Lottery, Tesco, LCVS and currently running a loneliness project for the National Lottery.
The company started on 28 February 2019 and over the past 2 years they have run Anti Knife campaigns, anxiety and depression workshops, climate change campaigns and we have had over 500 services users.
The facilities at the academy are a spacious classroom which holds 10 learners at a time with laptops available to the learner and I.T support with the latest Microsoft software. They have a recording studio and a TV style Podcast suite which we hire out to other organisations that need the support.
The Big Condo Academy is a very fun, safe and professional place to be associated with and you can stay updated with all their current facilities and services by clicking on their website www.bigcondoacademy.
Address: Unit 1, 7 Paul Street, Liverpool, L3 6DX