This Trustee will bring sound independent financial judgement, strategic vision, and a familiarity with charity accounting to the Board.
You will play a significant role in the governance of the Festival, helping to ensure that the Festival fulfils its financial duties and responsibilities in compliance with charity and company law. The Finance Lead will monitor, review and report on the financial aspects of the Festival and ensure its sustainability.
The Trustee works with the Artistic Director and CEO and the Festival’s appointed accountants to ensure that the charity’s financial affairs are legal, constitutional and within accepted accounting practice.
Generally, this trustee helps the Board carry out its financial responsibilities by: presenting financial reports to the board in a format that helps the board understand the charity’s financial position sharing a financial report at each Board meeting advising the Board on achieving its financial responsibilities liaising with professional advisors managing financial risks overseeing the preparation of annual accounts that give a true and fair view of the financial affairs of the company. when necessary, taking on some financial duties, such as book-keeping, budgeting and preparation of reports and funding bids.
Applications should be made using a one-page letter/email (c.500 words or equivalent film/voice note) stating a) why you want the role and b) what strengths and skills you would bring to it, supported by your CV.
Please email these to John Chandler at by 30th June 2023.