The current application period for Music for All grants usually closes on July 1st for funding in September. They have taken the decision to extend the application period to November 1st for funding in January 2021.
They will obviously keep the situation under close observation and let you know if any further changes need to be made.
They are naturally sorry if this affects your application in relation to timings, but hope you understand why they have had to take this difficult decision.
Funding Options:
Individual Grant
Not everyone is fortunate enough to have access to musical instruments and lessons. Their grant application process allows us to help people fulfil their musical dreams. Young, old, regardless of personal or life challenges, they truly want music to be for all.
Community Project Funding
Many projects and initiatives take place throughout the UK that all aim to bring music to their community. Most would benefit from a “helping hand” to fulfil their potential in becoming truly sustainable music programmes.
Here are the application instructions, eligibility criteria and some hints and tips on how to apply for funding with Music for All.
Please read through these carefully before you start completing the application form:
Individual Grant Application Instructions and Eligibility Criteria
Community Project Funding Instructions and Eligibility Criteria
Once you’ve read the above instructions and eligibility criteria please click this link to access Music for All’s online application form.
*Please note that you will need to select whether you are an applying for an Individual Grant, or Community Project Funding and the form will adapt to suit.