A new, gripping conspiracy thriller from The Book Guild Ltd, The Organisation by Martin M. McShane.
Martin grew up in Liverpool, often playing in the old docks area as a child, and has entrenched parts of the plot of his book in Liverpool and the surrounding areas (including a scene that unfolds at a military camp between Liverpool and Southport called Altcar, scenes in Huyton, and a nod to Penrhyn Street School which Martin previously attended).
Set between the 1930s and the 1970s, The Organisation follows a young woman recruited into a secretive society, and her dramatic rise and fall within the organisation.
About The Organisation
Following the tragic deaths of both her parents, baby Alice is adopted by childless relatives. They rename her and in doing so erase her past. Margaret, as she is known, is brought up in a world of luxury, but always senses that something isn’t quite right. In her teens, she comes to the attention of the enigmatic Max, a recruiter for the Organisation – a secretive society whose origins stretch back almost a thousand years. Originally created to destroy the aristocracy, some say that it has become just another criminal enterprise…
Is the Organisation a force for good or evil? That depends on your perspective. Are those who want to destroy it forces for good or evil? That, too, depends on your perspective. Throughout its time, the Organisation has defeated many adversaries, but in the twentieth century it faces the biggest challenge to its survival.
After spending a number of years working in New Zealand and Australia, Martin M. McShane returned to the UK and now lives in North London. While in Australia, Martin was seconded to the Royal Australian Navy where he ran security and communications for warships anchored in Sydney Harbour. Martin now works as the Global Programme Director for a major IT company specialising in implementing web-based stock exchange systems around the globe.
Martin says, “I’m especially fond of conspiracies relating to those secret organisations that are really running things in the background, New World Order type conspiracies, if you will, they get my imagination going most and are the basis for my book, The Organisation; the oldest, the most ruthless and the most secret of all secret Organisations. What would an Organisation look like that could run everything in the background without ordinary people like us ever knowing about it?
“For a start, it would have to be massive, which at one point two million disciples worldwide, The Organisation is; it would have to be embedded throughout every aspect of life and society, which, through the depth and reach of its recruitment programme, The Organisation is and it would have to have ‘something’ on people in order to keep them under its control, which The Organisation has, be it greed or just good old fashioned blackmail. Could such an Organisation exist? According to some conspiracy theories it already does. Some events in the book are taken from my own life experiences and it is with total confidence I can say that it can only be dark forces operating in secret in the background that have, thus far, kept me from achieving my full potential. Hopefully The Organisation will change all that.”
Published by The Book Guild Ltd
RELEASE DATE: 28/09/2023 ISBN: 9781915853141 Price: £9.99