This training is specifically for artists and facilitators and takes a person-centred approach to understanding trauma and incorporating this understanding into your creative practice.
The class is held online, Wednesday 18th May, 10.15am – 12.45pm via Zoom
Although it’s very important to maintain the distinction between art and therapy, they know that participatory artists are often in positions where they need support their participants’ mental health.
During this training practitioners will:
- Be provided with an overview of the physiology of trauma and an insight from the perspective of a clinical psychologist;
- Unpick popular perceptions and misuse of language around trauma & PTSD;
- Offered practical tips for creating safe spaces for participants and avoiding practices which may retraumatise participants;
- Explore problem solving using real-life scenarios.
Access: This event will use live transcription. If you require BSL interpretation, or any other access support please get in touch before the event.
For their training they offer a sliding scale of ticket prices: £25 / £20 / £15 to ensure these events are accessible.
They also have a small number of bursary places available for those with limited funds, please email Marianne at marianne@collective-