As part of a season for next spring and summer, Culture Liverpool are looking for two things:
1) The Great Unknown – a chance for audiences to go inside places and spaces usually restricted to the public or just never explored!
Do you have an amazing ‘behind the scenes’ experience in a building or place which you use or operate? Backstage at a theatre, the extraordinary basement of a warehouse? They are planning to curate a list of amazing ‘must see’ spaces and open them to the public for one weekend only in mid-Summer.
2) Programmable spaces hidden in plain site – they are looking for great programmable spaces for either freestanding sculptural works or large scale paintings which are hidden away but fully accessible.
Places only just off the beaten track but which could create delight and surprise once you track them down.
There are three projects where art will be programmed into places across the city and they are looking for ideas and inspiration for where these might be!
If you have any ideas on either of these, then please contact