For sixteen years the Pulp Idol competition has uncovered the best new novelists the city of Liverpool has to offer.
Many new novelists, including Ashleigh Nugent (LOCKS), Ariel Khan (Raising Sparks), James Rice (Alice and the Fly, Walk), Clare Coombes (Definitions), and Philippa Holloway (The Half Life of Snails), have found their first success through Pulp Idol. This competition is unearthing the best new novelists from Liverpool and across the country.
All finalists get their first chapter published in a book of ‘Firsts,’ which is produced in hard copy, a digital manuscript and made available on Amazon Kindle (and free on Kindle Unlimited!). Copies of Pulp Idol – Firsts are sent to agents and publishers.
Pulp Idol is different to most novel writing competitions. In most competitions, you submit your work and then find out if you win. Pulp Idol gets you in the room with other writers, agents and publishers from day one and our goal is to help you forge connections for your future career in writing and embrace your local writing community.
Closing date: 18 October