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Ali Hunter – Solo Show

Admission Free
Start Time 12:00
End Time 17:00

Ali Hunter is an artist/illustrator, currently living in Liverpool, UK.

She draws and paints what visually inspires her. Ali’s current inspiration is drawn from home interiors and decor, and the bulk of her recent work has been focussed on painting rooms in people’s homes.

She is also working on a series of female portrait paintings, which combine fashion, pets and interiors. Ali likes to recreate an image that offers plenty of intricate details.

She’s found the wider community of female artists very supportive. The female artist pool is very diverse and vibrant, both locally and online.

Being a neuroatypical female artist, Ali found it challenging to self-publicise at first. Artists are expected to put themselves out there and approach people confidently, which is something she found difficult. However, she’s now starting to find her place and feel more at home within the female art world.

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