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Ancestral and Systemic Constellations: Spiritual Healing Weekend

Admission Email to book a place
Start Time 10:00
End Time 18:00

A weekend of Spiritual Healing in the lineage of Burt Hellinger and Ron Young.

There comes a certain point in an individuals development when, no matter the wonders of the therapeutic approach or the will we put behind it, we find ourselves hitting a limit in our progression. Where questions of why something won’t release or reveal consume us and an unease persists that we can’t give explanation to. As our life experiences can’t give account for it, there is often a feeling of guilt for our failure to transcend it, furthering a sense of disconnection and longing. This point is a threshold. As this urgency burns within us we are pushed to go deeper, to surrender and connect back to the infinite intelligence and dynamic field of life that holds us.

Constellation Practice offers us such an opportunity. It invites us to move beyond doubt and self refusal as we witness others, without any background knowledge, embody aspects of the ancestral stories held within us. As they playout previously unseen relationship dynamics for the field of life to adjust and heal, we might be well reminded, that each of us arrived in this world without our own strategising or design and that this same force longs to take us forward, if we just open up to let it.

Opening the group circle in Constellational practice creates the conditions in which the phenomenology of embodied witnessing breaks down judgemental perspectives, destabilising stuck narratives and habitual thinking which restricts personal and collective growth. As a radically different approach to group healing it takes us beyond the limits of rational thinking. Revealing each human being as a constant evolution of movements, deeply interwoven and held by legacies of ancestry, material histories, environmental context, archetype and myth. it allows us to actively embrace such intricate complexity to bring change to personal circumstances and direction.

Developing on from least years teaching series ‘Love: you are that technology’, Fi Fane-James, Cathy Kamau and Stella Cairns will come together again to host this workshop. Trained across a multitude of practices and engage in different areas of study, this offering is not linked to any singular tradition or spiritual framework. Heavily indebted to Fi and Cathy’s root teacher Ron Young whose practice sits at the intersection of many wisdom lineages, the call is to come in the fullness of your own histories of faith and systems of belief.

Ron worked along side Hellinger from 2006-10, to develop The Big Field and The Deep Field Constellations, The Holy Spiritual Constellations and The Sacred Spiritual Constellations. We integrate these forms of the practice alongside movements from the original Family and Organisational work. Freely following what called for in the space we trust each work resonates to serve all in attendance.

More info on the practice and their bio’s can be found in the brochure.


Residential option : £220 – £280

Cost inclusive of 2 nights accommodation, vegetarian meals and refreshments

(from dinner Fri – lunch Sun)

Non-residential option : £170 – £230

This includes site usage fee and all meals and refreshments

(dinner Fri – lunch Sun)

To book a place, contact

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