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Are you out there, World?

Admission £3 - £5
Start Time 19:30
End Time 21:00

A new play for and by Young People.

Written by Sam O’Rourke with 20 Stories High Youth Theatre & Unity Theatre

Directed by Ameera Conrad

“You have a choice. I’ve made mine. Make.Your.Choice”

The oceans are rising, things keep getting worse but the people in charge seem to be getting in the way instead of solving anything. Frankly, we are sick of it. We’ve crunched the numbers, we’ve written the beats & we’ve made the placards. Now we’ve got the answer. To it all, actually: to life, to saving the planet, and to living in peace. (And it’s not 42.) All we need to do now is convince the “grown ups” to trust us. With bangin’ tunes, good vibes & our own political party, we’re ready. Are you gonna join us?!

Expect buzzing energy, live music, and real talk with a sprinkling of anti-establishment, pro-environment anarchy.

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