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Admission £25.50
Start Time 19:00
End Time 22:30

After thirty albums and five decades on the music scene, Aswad remains one of Britain’s best loved reggae bands.

Originally led by the trio of Brinsley “Dan” Forde (on vocals and rhythm guitar), Angus “Drummie Zeb” Gaye (on vocals and drums), and Tony “Gad” Robinson (on bass), Aswad is renowned among reggae fans for their rich melodies and compelling harmonies, woven over hard rhythm tracks and inspired horn riffs.

Aswad have the distinction of being the first Reggae Band in the UK to be signed to an International label ie. Island Records in the 1970’s

Their album ‘LIVE & DIRECT’ – is one of the NME’s critically acclaimed albums of the 20thcentury. They crossed over from being Reggae royalty to a member of the pop dynasty with their smash hit album ‘DISTANT THUNDER’ which spawned the number 1 International hit ‘Don’t Turn Around’ ‘Give a Little Love’ but still keeping their political edge at the time with the chart hit ‘Set Them Free’ – which was part of the Free Nelson Mandela campaign. Aswad’s many hits include, Shine, On and ON, Smoky Blues, Best of my Love & many more.

Aswad are still very relevant in the 21st century as can be seen by the many festivals they appear on both in the UK and around the world. Sit back & look forward to a night of nice enjoyable pop reggae ONE LOVE.

Aswad, after more than 40 years, are still the purveyors of the UK reggae scene and will continue to be way into the next millennium.

Aswad are releasing a new album in the Summer 2023.

Tickets for the Liverpool – Furnace show are available from –

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