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Black History Month 23: Flash Fiction Competition Final

Admission Free
Start Time 13:00
End Time 15:00

Join dub poet Levi Tafari, who’ll announce the winners from the Flash Fiction competition featuring performances from finalists and winners.

Levi Tafari, internationally renowned dub poet and performer, will announce the winners of Flashback, Writing on The Wall and National Museum Liverpool’s flash fiction competition, on Saturday 28th October at The Museum of Liverpool! Join us to hear readings of some of the amazing entries creatively exploring the past, present, and future of Canning Dock and Liverpool’s Waterfront Transformation Project.


Born in Liverpool to Jamaican parents, Levi Tafari is an artist and dynamic performer with his roots firmly based in the oral tradition, believing poetry should not simply stay on the page. His plays have been performed at Unity Theatre and the Playhouse in Liverpool, as well as the Blackheath Theatre in Stafford. He has also worked on educational projects running creative writing in schools, colleges, universities, youth centres, prisons, and libraries. He describes himself as an Urban Griot; the traditional consciousness raiser, storyteller, newscaster, and political agitator.

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