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Chase Petra

Venue Future Yard
Admission £12
Start Time 19:15
End Time 23:00

All the way from Long Beach, California, Chase Petra touch down in Birkenhead in autumn for a headline show they are thrilled to be hosting.

A band that exists out of pure necessity, within the project making music is not so much a choice, as an inherent and inextricable feature of each members’ life. The band is composed of a group of friends that often aim for adjectives like loud, unapologetic, and “sort of a lot.” Lately referred to as “an approachable American mess,” Chase Petra finds their sound sitting somewhere between Midwest emo (despite hailing from SoCal), early 2000s indie rock and pop punk.

Their songs’ subject matter runs the gamut, covering issues of social justice (i.e. sexism, classism), personal growing pains, and subjects of a more nefarious nature.

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