The Everyman resident queen is taking over the main stage for 2 nights this summer to bring you a night of fun, comedy, burlesque, dance and all round silliness with the best local cabaret stars.
The event is held Everyman Theatre, 2-3 July, 8.30pm. You can book tickets here.
If you have seen Filla in the Bistro before, you’ll know the atmosphere is one to be matched, so now imagine her bigger, louder, prouder and even more sequined as they move her cove of love and freedom up to the auditorium (then imagine what she’ll get up to!)
Life doesn’t have to be such a drag, and after this year, we all need a little escapism, which is exactly what their queen and her guests will provide in a safe and warm environment.
So, Whatsapp the group, order your glitter and book a table ASAP because it’s always a sell out when Miss Crack announces her return.