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Admission £5
Start Time 10:00
End Time 16:00

Happiness! is an exhibition filled with fun and humour. Celebrating one of Liverpool’s iconic comedians, the exhibition charts the life and career of the legendary Sir Ken Dodd, and his connection to today’s comedic stars.

This exhibition highlights Ken Dodd the entertainer – comedian, performer, actor, and singer. Ken’s unique blend of whimsical, physical, surreal and theatrical humour transformed the UK’s comedy scene.

Using memorabilia from Ken Dodd’s personal archive, this show will explore Ken’s career and how his comedic approach continues to be used and adopted by some of the UK’s most well-known and emerging comedians.

Fondly remembered for the magical world he created, including Ken Dodd’s Diddymen, his tickling stick and the jam butty mines, his true passion was his natural gift for making people laugh. The exhibition will build on Ken’s passion, looking at the science of comedy, happiness and why laughter is good for our health.

The show will also explore the role Liverpool has played both as an incubator of entertainment for countless comedians, as well as its association with northern humour and identity.

*This exhibition has been extended to run until 7 July 2024*

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