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How Can Artworks Influence Decision Making?

Venue Online
Admission £0-£3
Start Time 18:00
End Time 20:00

In this conversation and Q&A moderated by Dr Emma Murray (Senior Lecturer in Criminal Justice at Liverpool John Moores University and FACT’s Criminologist in Residence), FACT’s commissioned artist Melanie Crean and Anita Dockle (The Research Director for the Howard League for Penal Reform) discuss how artworks created in collaboration with participants can influence decision making.

Join the panel to learn more about how decision makers work alongside people with expertise through experience in participatory arts practices. The Machine to Unmake You, Melanie’s current work with the Veterans hub at HMP Altcourse, provides the framework for this conversation.

In this project, the incarcerated veterans share their expertise to create a campaign. This campaign will present their needs to those involved in the policy and practice of the criminal justice system.

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