Are you interested in making mocktails with herbs that support your whole system?
In this introductory session we will explore making herbal mocktail bases with plants from our community garden at Make Hamilton Square.
Starting with morning mocktails to support digestion (bitters) – there will be plenty of delicious tasters to try, plus a demonstration from Rosie Ashton (Make Hamilton Community Garden) on how to make bitters at home! The herbs we will be using include:
– Nettle leaf
– Mint
– St Johns wort
They will also cover evening mocktails to support the adrenals for relaxation (syrups) including more tasters and a demonstration on making your own syrup using our own Hamilton honey from the garden hives, plus:
– Mugwort
– Chamomile
– Lemon balm
Both demonstrations will be followed by a talk about adrenal functioning from owner of Nettle café, and nutrition enthusiast Julia .
After the workshop, there will be a sober curios social (optional) around the fire outside in the garden with food and more drinks available to buy.
The Wellbeing Social starts from 6.30pm and is a collaboration between by Arclett & Nettle café
More information coming soon, follow Nettle café