This session will begin with a brief history of Chinese art looking at the main ways it differs from Western painting styles
- This will be followed by a demonstration of brush technique, correct handling and posture, leading to the first exercise which will finish in you painting a long flowing orchid stem, adding simple orchid flowers
- The second exercise teaches more techniques focusing on ink and dilution, adding watercolour
- You will then paint the “Four Gentlemen” – four plants used to teach the fundamental elements of Chinese brush painting: the plum blossom (梅), the bamboo (竹), and the chrysanthemum (菊) (the other plant is the orchid (蘭) previously used in exercise 1)
- We will look at what different trees and flowers represent in Chinese culture: e.g. strength, peace, purity etc
- We will also look at Chinese calligraphy and have a go at writing in Chinese using our paintbrushes
- From a number of different visual stimuli, we will choose our own subject matter to create a more detailed painting using the techniques we have learned, with a demonstration from the artist, feedback and group critiques
Tutor: Madeleine Pires
Sunday 10th December, 12pm – 4pm (£65 for 1 day workshop)
BOLD Place
8 Bold Place,
Liverpool L1 9DN
£65 for 1 day workshop
Materials you will need to bring:
Set of 3 Chinese paintbrushes
pad of A4 watercolour paper or rice paper
Plain printer paper for practicing
Chinese ink
A palette or saucer with dividers
A pipette
water pot
If possible, a small watercolour set containing red, yellow, blue and green.