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Katumba Halloween Carnival

Venue Starts Bold Street
Admission Free
Start Time 19:00
End Time 21:00

Transforming the Liverpool City Centre into a playground of imagination, with big, bold, visual and spectacular parade!

Expect a horde of drummers, dancers, fire artists, and illuminated props making its way down Bold St, with a grand finale at Liverpool One!

Juliana Pinheiro Landim, Katumba’s Co-Founder says ‘We are thrilled to bring back the Katumba Halloween Carnival as part of our city’s Black History Month programme.

This year our theme is a crucial tale of the lasting and detrimental impact we have on our planet, and how our actions on the Northern hemisphere affect those in the Global South. Through our diverse programme and powerful performance art, we aim to inspire and ignite a determination in onlookers and participants to make change – for the future of our planet, and future generations’’

For more information, please visit

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