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Kitty Wilkinson Spring Walking Tours

Venue Starts St George's Hall
Admission £10/£8 concs

Let’s go back to Victorian Liverpool and trail around some of the places that used to be inhabited by local heroine Catherine Wilkinson, or “Kitty” as we all know her.

This Iconic Liverpool legend overcame all adversity to become a pioneer of the washhouse and public baths, saving lives from cholera.

Starting the tour at St Georges Hall, they will visit The Bluecoat, the former site of the Old Dock, Renshaw Street Chapel, the Workhouse, and Kitty’s Grave at St James Cemetery.

They will be led by Kitty Wilkinson’s statue (played by actress Samantha Alton) and she will relay her life and times in Victorian Liverpool.

The tour begins at the steps of St Georges Hall by the War Memorial and will last around 2 hours.

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