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Landscape Painting

Venue Bold Place
Admission £170
Start Time 17:00
End Time 21:00

The course will cover the process of observing the landscape, composing a picture out of this raw material and rendering it in paint. They will work with a combination of instructions, demonstration of techniques, exercises and personal tuition. Suitable for beginners and more experienced artists who wish to develop their skills.

They will cover topics such as:

  • Composition
  • Perspective
  • Thumbnail sketches
  • Understanding light and tone
  • Colour theory
  • The mechanics of painting
  • Sketching in the landscape
  • Arranging your palette
  • Composition from sketch to final piece

Tutor: Kathy Dereli

Kath is a skilled local artist, formally trained in traditional techniques in painting, drawing and sculpture which she uses to create well-crafted artworks with a modern sensibility. She has led classes and demonstrations in both oil painting for several years.


16th, 23rd, 30th October

6th, 13th, 20th, 27th November

4th, 11th, 18th December


BOLD Place,

8 Bold Place



L1 9DN


£170 for 10 Week Course

Materials you will need to bring:

Pencils and paper for exercises

Oil paint paper (plus canvas or canvas boards), palette, brushes, paints, cleaning rags, turps

Oil paint(suggested range in order of importance: titanium white, ivory black, burnt umber, ultramarine, yellow ochre, cerulean, cadmium yellow, alizarin crimson, cadmium red).

Dilutant/medium I.e. turpentine/sansodor low odour solvent/liquin(for oils)

Palette I.e. wooden/Perspex or disposable tear off

2 jars

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