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Open Book – Diverse Literature Book Club

Venue Lovelocks Coffee Shop
Admission Free
Start Time 14:30
End Time 15:30

Open Book is a safe space book event/club that encourages people to read more diversely and focusses on own-voice-narratives.

The afternoon event is open to young adults and people of all ages. They are hoping allow those who are older and didn’t see themselves reflected in media to be able to see what exists out there for them now.

The intention of the event is to create a safe community space to discuss books. They aim to advertise diversity within books, helping people to find books that represent them and other marginalised people. The event will promote own-voice-narratives, ensuring that the books displayed are authentically representative of the people they’re written about.

If you are interested in attending the morning event, which includes a library of books and book readings for children, parents and carers) follow the link here:

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