The hilarious comedy by Andrea Dunbar is based on the 1987 British film, and features a brilliantly funny script, impressive cast, and is bursting with all the best 80s music, taking audiences on a hilarious trip down memory lane through this cult classic.
Previous productions of the comedy at St Helens Theatre Royal proved massively popular, breaking box office records in 2011, 2012, 2015, and 2016. Rita, Sue & Bob Too! is a comedy, telling the gritty tale of love, lust, and the ultimate test of friendship.
St Helens welcomes home Michael Parr who will play the role of Bob. He will be joined by a fantastic cast including Crissy Rock as Mother and Jamie Greer as Dad; and St Helens favourites Tori Hargreaves as Michelle; Olivia Sloyan as Sue; and Kay Nicholson as Rita.