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The Owl & the Pussy-Cat Sculpture Trail

Venue Borough of Knowsley
Admission Free
Start Time 00:00
End Time 00:00

After months of planning, preparation (and painting!) Knowsley is almost set to launch one of the highlights of its year as the Liverpool City Region Borough of Culture – the Owl & the Pussy-Cat Sculpture Trail.

From 20 June until 4 September 2022 huge, elaborately decorated, owls and pussy-cats will be out and about across the borough for people to spot and record on a free downloadable app.

Designed and decorated by artists and members of the local community the huge creatures will be popping up all over Knowsley in parks, town centres and other locations – some of which you might not expect. People are encouraged to get out and about, spot the creatures, capture their photos and record them on the app (which will be free to download once the trail launches next month).

The trail was announced in September last year and a competition was launched for artists to submit their design ideas to decorate the 32 large owls and pussy-cat sculptures. In addition, local schools have also been working on designs for a further 50 smaller sculptures which will also be on display in Knowsley during the summer months.

How may can you spot The Owl and The Pussy-Cat Trail?

Download the FREE app now.

The trail commemorates the fact that Edward Lear wrote his world-famous poem – The Owl and the Pussy-Cat – during his time living at Knowsley Hall. You can read more about Edward Lear and his time spent in Knowsley and you can read the famous Owl and Pussy-Cat poem.

The incredible owl and pussycat sculptures have been produced by Wild in Art in conjunction with Knowsley Council. Find out more about Wild in Art here.

To find out more about their year as Liverpool City Region Borough of Culture, follow @cultureknowsley on InstagramTwitter and Facebook and visit


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