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Traces, Impressions and Digressions with Kerry Morrison

Venue Colliers Moss
Admission Free
Start Time 10:00
End Time 16:00

Traces, Impressions and Digressions with Kerry Morrison

Saturday 23rd September, 10am – 4pm, Colliers Moss, Free

Artist Kerry Morrison investigates the landscape through drawing in this durational performance.

Regular Heart of Glass contributor, social-ecological artist Kerry Morrison invites you to join her for a day of performative drawing investigation in the landscape of ‘the Moss’. Kerry, equipped with scrolls of paper, charcoal and graphite will walk Colliers Moss, slowly and intently seeking out stories as left through impressions from the past and traces of the more-than-human. 

Kerry’s actions, although performed with intent, will also be random and directed by her observations, conversations and people she meets along the way. Kerry welcomes visitors to watch her as she moves through the Moss and draws. She also welcomes conversations about the Moss with passers by. Snippets of these conversations might find their way into her drawings. 

Peatland Walks 

11am – 11.45am and 2pm – 3pm

Guided by the Peat Restoration group and Mersey Forest Ranger Dave McAleavy. We will interact with Kerry Morrison’s live performance en route.

About the Moss

Colliers Moss in St Helens features 130 hectares of developing and developed habitats on the spoil and waste heaps of Bold Colliery and Bold Power Station. Formerly known as Bold Moss, the site has a fascinating history, having for thousands of years been a raised bog that grew sphagnum moss, as well as heather and cotton grass.

Dead, compacted mossland forms peat and an industry was created in which turf cutters dug long trenches to remove the peat. The extracted turf blocks were then built into an array of thousands of pyramids – each measuring between three and twelve feet tall – in order for them to dry out. This was required as sphagnum mosses behave like sponges, holding an enormous amount of water.

In between the trench rows were tramlines that allowed ponies to pull slatted trams of peat turf to nearby sheds where ‘pressing’ took place. Once this process had been completed, the peat was sold as firelighters or animal bedding litter. This industry largely ended around WW1 and for forty years the site was a fertile natural habitat for wildlife.

Part of A Sense of Green. In partnership with The Mersey Forest.

We aim to create safe, welcoming and accessible spaces for all. If you’d like to discuss your access needs, please get in touch by contacting Heart of Glass via or call Anna on 07529224271.

Access information for Colliers Moss:

    • Colliers Moss is part of Bold Forest Park
    • Mostly level, well surfaced paths

Accessible by car and train (nearest station St Helens Junction – 20 minutes walk) with no parking on site*

Please note there are no toilets on site at Colliers Moss. The nearest toilets are a 15 minute walk away at Derbyshire Hill Family Centre

*For those with access needs, please let us know before 23rd September, and we can arrange for parking on site.

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