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Varna International Ballet and Orchestra

Admission £13 - £73.75
Start Time 19:30
End Time 23:00
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Raymond Gubbay Limited is pleased to announce that Varna International Ballet and Orchestra will return to UK after a hugely successful debut in 2023. This season they will bring much-loved classical ballets The Nutcracker, Swan Lake and Sleeping Beauty coming to Liverpool Empire 09 -11 January 2024.

British dancer Luc Burns will perform alongside Italy’s Mara Salvaggio, Martina Prefetto, Giovanni Pompei, Agnese Di Dio Masa, Andrea Conforti, Mirko Andreutti, Giacomo Ammazzini and Vittorio Scolé, France’s Pauline Clémence Faget, Spain’s Mónica Alegre and Yael Delgado, and Brazil’s Wellson Felipio.

The Nutcracker and Sleeping Beauty will be classical versions of the original, including sumptuous costumes and familiar choreography and settings.

Swan Lake will be a recreation of Tchaikovsky’s original production, that was created for the Bolshoi Ballet in 1877. Modern audiences are more familiar with the 1895 version that included musical and chorographical changes to the original by Marius Petipa and Riccardo Drigo, which was presented at the Mariinsky Theatre in 1895, two years after Tchaikovsky’s death. The producers of Varna International Ballet went back into the archives in order to return to the original score, orchestration and libretto, above all to preserve the original meanings that were at the bottom of the musical dramaturgy of the ballet.

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