Explore the imaginative worlds of artist, author and animation creator Curtis Jobling. From beloved children’s TV shows to captivating young adult novels, this retrospective showcases Jobling’s creative journey, highlighting perseverance, determination, and boundless creativity.
The exhibition features original stop-motion puppets and models from Bob the Builder, Frankenstein’s Cat, and Raa Raa the Noisy Lion, showcasing the meticulous craftsmanship behind these beloved characters. Visitors can also marvel at Jobling’s vibrant Biteneck Beatniks paintings and delve into his original sketchbooks to see the evolution of his iconic characters.
Additionally, the original manuscript of the first Wereworld novel offers insight into his creative process. Through Jobling’s diverse works, visitors will journey through the compelling worlds he creates, from construction sites to fantastical realms, while also gaining a glimpse into his ongoing and future projects driven by his passion for storytelling.
Curtis Jobling was born in Blackpool in 1972, moving to Warrington when he was 2 years old. A former pupil of Penketh High School, the school’s motto of Perseverance has proved an inspirational watchword throughout his career.