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Liverpool Pride

Building on the last nine years, Liverpool Pride returns for the last weekend in July. This year’s event brings together big names from music and entertainment, as well as local bands and artists, to celebrate the freedom to love who we love, and the right to be who we are in a flamboyant two-day festival.

The theme for 2018 is as #AllTogetherNow, which encompasses every branch of the LGBTQ+ and wider communities coming together no matter what their ethnicity, gender, sexuality, belief or however they define themselves in celebration of equality and diversity.

Liverpool Pride was set up in 2010 in response to the aftermath of the murder of young gay man Michael Causer, with #AllTogetherNow marking a decade since his death in 2008.

Be loud, be proud and have your say as the city gathers at St George’s Plateau before marching in honour of equality and diversity around Liverpool’s City Centre, all the way from Queen’s Square to Stanley Street.

Courtney Act, international drag star and winner of Celebrity Big Brother 2018 is also set to attend, and will also be performing at Heaven nightclub on Victoria Street during Pride Weekend. So come along and help bring the city to a halt in a celebration of LGBT+ lives and culture!

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