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Follow the White Rabbit – Fire Street Theatre Festival

Venue Liverpool City Centre
Admission Free
Start Time 16:30
End Time 19:30

Zest Event Management and Bring the Fire Project are joining forces to bring “Follow the White Rabbit”, a series of free, family-friendly Fire Street Theatre performances to the streets of Liverpool.

Kept secret until the very day, the locations of the fire pop-up performances will be revealed by following the White Rabbit, who will roam the city centre with the Mad Hatter, the March Hare, the Cheshire Cat and, of course, Alice.

The characters will ‘lead the way’ to the next performance, transforming familiar places into scenes from Wonderland as the story unfolds.

Based on the characters from ‘Alice in Wonderland’, this brand-new bonfire celebration will take place across Liverpool City Centre on the 5th and 6th November between 4.30pm and 7.30pm.

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