Kenan Malik and Tomiwa Owolade, two renowned authors will be exploring the complex relationship between class and race in modern British society. Join them as they delve into the ideologies of race and class with them, and ask, is one more important than the other – do they intertwine or co-exist in relationship to social inequality.
Kenan Malik, a prolific writer, lecturer, and broadcaster, will be discussing his book Not So Black and White, which challenges commonly held beliefs on race and identity politics. Through the lens of history and personal narratives, Malik argues for a better understanding of the racialized working class and a re-evaluation of fashionable concepts like cultural appropriation.
Tomiwa Owolade, an award-winning writer and journalist, will offer a fresh perspective on race in Britain with his book This is Not America. By highlighting crucial differences between British and American societies, Owolade challenges the notion that British race issues can be viewed through an American lens.
The event will be chaired by Madeline Heneghan, Co-director of Writing on the Wall. With her extensive experience in community engagement and diversity, Madeline will guide us through this discussion, which is sure to challenge our perspectives on race and class.